If you have any one or two gallon black nursery planters from plant purchases last year feel free to drop them by. You can leave them by the nursery fence.

I will be creating a drop station this year.

This is a great way to help us keep prices low, and also to reduce what is going into our landfills.

Welcome to the Finch Family Water Garden blog!

Finch Family Water Garden 772 Gold Fish Farm Rd.S.E. * Albany Oregon 97322 (541) 926-9737

Open Seasonally.

Closed for the Season, Watch for our opening in Spring of 2013.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Preparing for a wedding.

Yet again Finch Family Water Garden will be hosting another wedding in September. We have been busy grooming the yard, and the display pond which will be the backdrop for the ceremony. The lawn is greening up nicely and the majority of the bark is in place in the yard.

Soon we hope to turn our focus to relining the pond in the nursery yard and be able to spend some time tidying it, we began weeding around it this weekend as after the rains the weeds ran amuck. We had almost finished the weeding before it rained, but I didn't get it sprayed.

I will try to get pictures this week and put them up this coming weekend, but if you are close enough you might drop in and see for yourself what is happening