If you have any one or two gallon black nursery planters from plant purchases last year feel free to drop them by. You can leave them by the nursery fence.

I will be creating a drop station this year.

This is a great way to help us keep prices low, and also to reduce what is going into our landfills.

Welcome to the Finch Family Water Garden blog!

Finch Family Water Garden 772 Gold Fish Farm Rd.S.E. * Albany Oregon 97322 (541) 926-9737

Open Seasonally.

Closed for the Season, Watch for our opening in Spring of 2013.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Get Excited for Spring.

Spring flowers are blooming. Time to start getting your pond ready for Spring and Summer enjoyment. We will be opening Saturday May 5th. With a large selection of pond plants to bring spring renewal to your pond. On tap for this year is the return of some of your favorites we didn't have last year and maybe in a few years, and soon some great new Water Lilies will be arriving. Despite our wet spring weather, I think we will see a great summer. So spruce up your outdoor living areas and prepare for a great escape to your own back yard with friends and family.