If you have any one or two gallon black nursery planters from plant purchases last year feel free to drop them by. You can leave them by the nursery fence.

I will be creating a drop station this year.

This is a great way to help us keep prices low, and also to reduce what is going into our landfills.

Welcome to the Finch Family Water Garden blog!

Finch Family Water Garden 772 Gold Fish Farm Rd.S.E. * Albany Oregon 97322 (541) 926-9737

Open Seasonally.

Closed for the Season, Watch for our opening in Spring of 2013.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Loving this Spring!

As the weather begins to warm the plants are beginning to spring to life. I got some things trimmed back today, and have began cleaning ponds to prepare them for the newly planted plants. I managed to plant three types of plants today. Got Moss Killer down on the yard and in general had a good day.....being outside with sun always has that affect on me.

Yesterday someone came by wanting fish food......once again I will tell you IT IS TO EARLY, feeding cold water fish or any fish when the temperature of the water is below 50-60 degrees is not good, and even harmful to them. As the sun hits the water they will begin to come to the top where the water is warmer, but they are still not active enough to be eating. Remember last summer when they swam and played. Until the water warms up feeding them is actually harmful to them. Their Digestive system is still dormant.

But back to your pond, now is a great time to clean it, early spring when the temps are still cool allows nutrients to be used up before the summer heat arrives bringing Algae. Also with the water temperatures cooler there is less chance of causing shock to you fish.